Park-a-Day, Day 030

Here’s what’s happening - in 2021, two operators ( N5HA, Kenneth Bailey & W9AV, Clint Sprott ) managed to work at least 1 park every UTC day. My goal for 2022 is to do the same, and to try and write a short post about the day’s first contact. If you want to play along, feel free - I’ll be sharing updates about it during the monthly POTA updates that I prepare for the various ham radio media outlets.

now that you’re in the know about the Baily-Sprott Challenge, here’s the scoop for today:

Bailey-Sprott Challenge Update

Today was the second day of Winter Field Day. I have set up the tent in the snow in the past, but this year I just stayed inside where it was warm. There were plenty of folkx on the air doing WFD from parks, which sounds like it should have made the park-a-day effort easier, but in some cases it just made the pile-ups that much larger, and harder to break through :-) Luckily though, there seemed to be a pipeline into the UK, so my first park QSO of the day actaully ended up being with Andy, G7SQW. while he was doing a 2fer at G-0256 and G-0155. I actually ended up contacting him on 2 different bands, so getting 4 ‘DX Park QSOs’ with out too much crazy effort was pretty nice.

Bailey-Sprott Challenge Status: 30 for 30.